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(2 edits)

Hi! Sorry if you already covered this!  

Will we be able to change the name of Raen? Just asking because in some VN the developers don't say anything about that but the option is there when you play for the first time.

Hey there! Nope, his name and character are set.


oml i can't play right now but the green haired boi really stole ma heart
pls have mercy

(1 edit) (+1)

Omg cute! I like how Fawn acts, tho his clothes make him look like a rich boy.


Hi! Played the demo like a week ago and fell in love with it. I played it with a friend and we were laughing like crazy, she has a crush on Fawn and I have one on Leos hahahahahahahha you have two more costumers when the full release is out!

PS: Loved the VAs by the way!


Thank you so much for your kind words!!! <3


this game is frickin delightful. i was definitely yelling at raen "THERE ARE OTHER CITIES PLS FRIEND PLS" and then meeting al lthe side characters, lilas? im love her

i cannot wait to see the full game and really find out What the Frack is happening in the story!! great demo

When is the finished game gonna come out? 


There’s no set date but IM assuming somewhere near Aug-Dec of this year ^^ You can join the discord and follow them on Twitter to see updates :)) 

ah okay, thank you!


I'm so excited for this game!!! Can't wait to find out when it will come out! Leos has my heart. <3


Just found this the other day, wish I had sooner! I can't wait to play the finished game!
You've been so generous with the length of the demo <3


I'm replaying this after a little while, this time with the voice acting enabled and, so far, (gotten back to meeting Fawn) the voices are exactly how they sounded in my head. Not to mention the fact that the story (or what I remember of it) is absolutely stellar. When the full game is released, I'd definitely be willing to pay for it. I'm hoping to see even more from you in the future, 'cause you definitely seem like someone who puts passion in their work.


They got my boy Jonah Scott in this??? I'm there. 


i dont know how to express my thoughts and feelings but... i installed this game without any expectation, just a result of my boredom, so i would just give two hours or something to it but omg it turned out to be sooo good. i really love this game and after getting the first ending i started all over again and tried to get the all the endings and routes. i think ive spent around 11 hours overall and i would go for even more if i hadnt finished all the possible routes. im looking forward to playing the full version, youve really done a good job on this game, i appreciate everyones hardwork in this project. the story, the artwork, the backgrounds, the music, the characters... all of them were a chefs kiss. i usually dont comment on stuff but i had to do this time for such an amazing game. again, good job. <3 


I'm so engrossed by the story, the artwork is magnificent and the music is sublime, fantastic work and I've only just got to the  point of meeting Cyne. 5 stars for the experience so far, wish I could give it 6.

I'm waiting for full release right now... I love Raen's personality and also I ship him with Fawn  while Cyne's truly a pervert but I love the VA of him because its from camp buddy <3

Hello, the French demo has a huge bug that prevents me from playing the full demo, will this be fixed or would you prefer to focus on the final game?

Hey there! As stated previously, the translations don't go further than the original demo. Any translations will not be worked on until at least the full English game is released. Thank you!


This is truly beautiful, I'm mesmerised by every CG.

😤 cant the dude with the bird be a LI too?

Will Androids get an extended demo. The first Demo was so Beautifully designed and the music was so nice❤️

Thanks to the creator of the Game 


Two whole boys with crop tops? 10/10, game of the year, must buy

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It was really nice and interesting. Looking forward for the full game :)


The demo was just incredible i loved it, im looking forward to the release whenever it shall be it will be worth the wait. keep up the good work guys and stay safe :) x

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OMG what can I say I listened to the Theme music before I started the demo & loved it. I not usually a music person; however; I now really want to buy the soundtrack if you will be offering one. I finished the extended demo & it has to be the absolute best BL VN I've ever played: the plot is top notch, the artwork was so beautiful (I plan on making a lot of wallpapers), & the composer, Efe Tozan, is very talented. I can't wait for the finished game. I want to know what the final price is or does it stay "name your own price" since I also saw it on Steam? I'd be willing to pay at least $20.00 for the wonderful experience of playing the whole game. 

(1 edit) (+3)

I just finished playing and honestly... I am at loss for words. Do you know that feeling after watching a really good anime, and found out that there is no other season? yes, that's what I felt.

This is the first BxB I've ever played on PC. You know, just earlier this morning I was bored so I searched "A GAME SITE WITH YAOI GAMES" (IM NOT KIDDING) and was the first one on the list, then I was captivated by the thumbnail and after reading the description it looks very interesting so I downloaded it.

Honestly, I only came for the SCENES but guess what, I stayed because of the visuals, art, soundtracks, and especially the story.

This game is promising. I hope ill be able to buy the full game soon. Kudos to Two and a Half Studios!

Me rn wishing that i can time travel in the future where the full version is already released:


I kept coming back here.. i cant waittt


I'm beyond excited for the full game to come out! The demo is already so lovely.

Deleted post

When will the full game be out

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Well that was quite a run...

It was my first B&B game and I think it is very good for the first time...

It felt amazing, the story is attractive and smooth, characters are well thought and feels alive..

My personal favorite -I can assume it is the 60% of people are on the same side with me- is Fawn.

If I didn't missed it game had some +16 scene's but not 18+ unless they add it in the future...

I hope full game releases fast tho.

The game is one of the best renpy games out there, I highly recommend it.

95/100 would play it again.

uh and I might fell in love with Fawn


I finally finished the demo version and WOW. I've only found out about the game by accident and I'm absolutely thrilled by 1. the story-telling. The story is perfectly built up! The moment Raen sends the kids off to play I was already being dragged into the story, purely by the writing! As I ventured further into the magnificent world you guys created, I completely fell in love with the music as well! It's unbelievable that you managed to make these fully orchestrated pieces and I'm absolutely charmed by how well a full orchestra and rock harmonize together!! Onto no. 3 then! The characters are so unbelievably unique! They all have they own perks and I absolutely love it! Not only the main characters, but also the side smaller ones have really thought-out little quirks that makes each o them stand out from the others!

I truly can't wait for the full game to come out. The full game will truly be well worth the wait!!

Wow! This VN is exceptional on every level: story-telling, character developement and world building, art, voice acting. Cant remember ever coming across something like this. I love all the characters, the humor, the storyline... Fantastic job! Im looking forward to its full release sooo much!

Thanks for giving us such an extensive demo btw!

Did the game get released yet?


From what I played so far, I'm loving this game! This one really has me hooked. I plan on playing the rest of it in the am, great job on this Two and a Half Studios!!!!

J'adore vraiment votre jeux ! Je suis une grande fan ! Mais j'aimerait bien savoir combien le jeu coûtera quand il sortira ! Merci d'avance de votre réponse !

Hello! Thank you for your message! The finished game will be about $29.99, with a launch discount. 


I'd like to start off by saying I would protect Fawn to the ends of the Earth :)))
This demo was so amazing - the voice acting was so fun, especially Leos'. I couldn't help laughing out loud at his snarky lines at 2 in the morning. The backgrounds are so beautiful; they really show how diverse the world is outside of Aurelia Cavella, and I'm as thrilled as Raen is to explore it...and I'm thrilled to explore the beautiful people, too ;)

You gave me a fantastic roller coaster of emotions, and I can't wait for when you release the full game!!!


I think i'm in love with Leos' voice actor. It is so good! It's a really well made game. I'm looking forward to full release.


When will the full game come out?

(1 edit)

J'adore vraiment ce que vous faites, vos démo sont incroyable, elle sont longue ce qui permet de beaucoup s'attacher au jeux et l'histoire et les personnages son wahou! Rien a dire beau boulot. 

Par contre pour la démo en français j'ai eu un petit problème au moment ou ont entre dans le manoir de Nox et qu'ont décide de l'aider, les textes et les voix sont décalés et après le reste du jeux est en anglais. C'est dommage surtout que je suis très nul en anglais. Peut être se sera corrigé ?


oh good im sooooooooooooooo looking forward to this  


ahh obnoxious redheads they are my weakness, I like that these characters have layers to them it makes you interested in what's at the center what makes them tick I can't wait to get the full game when it comes out this is definitely on my watch list.

(1 edit) (+2)

So far the demo hinted a full game with good graphics and soundtrack, intriguing plot, character depth and juicy scenes.

Is this perfection?

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