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I'm so excited for this but I'll be patiently waiting for the full release. I never play demos because I will definitely want more. 

G'luck to you devs!


Will the secret route coming out next year? 🥹


Amazing game, I wish the devs promoted it more >_<


This game is amazing. I'm just truly at a loss for words on how beautiful this game is. It's heartbreaking, but it's just amazing. I've never had a game make me cry, ever, but this game made me sob like a baby lmao. The art, the music, the character design, all of it is truly breathtaking and I can't stress enough how beautiful this game is. There's no words to describe how much I adore this game. It hardly even feels like a game, it feels like a dream world in it's own right. I would love to see what else you make, Two and a Half Studios, because this game is earthshattering on it's own. 

Is there anyone who gets Ivan's happy ending? 



you can use the fan guide on steam to get his happy end if you got stuck

Hi! I'm so sorry for silly questions, is there any guide on how to achieve one of the LIs routes? I feel like I'm on Crow's route (they almost kissed) but I didn't want to be rude to any of the characters, maybe it somwhow lead me to Crow route? T_T tbh I'm still not sure if the branching started, but Crow is def the one popping into plot more. Could you possibly give us a hint when branching to the LIs routes starts? 



when you first get options in the heaven dream it should be a bit intuitive which ones start to lead to crow/kaine/ ivan. You can tell whose route you're in by the character on the next chapter screen.

Thank you!!!

Is this heaven scene is his brother dream?



Sorry for asking again. These happy endings are for three characters, right? I mean, do they end up as a couple?


The happy endings are Noah and each of the respective love interests, yes. It is a romance game, so it ends with characters endings up in a relationship if you get the good endings.


In some romance games, the "good endings" are not good at all. This game is dark and I wasn't sure if the happy ending here wasn't just Noe slowly emerging from a dark place. That's why I kept asking 😅 Thank you for the clear answer.


That's fine! In most cases, we prefer not to spoil endings for those that haven't played yet :)


Are there explict sex scenes?


No, it is an all ages game.


Is the protagonist's gender able to be changed to a girl?


No, the protagonist for this game is set.

Even though this game looks incredibly good, I'm afraid to buy it. I'm one of those who only aims for happy and. I never play bad endings, even if they are plot ones. And I'm afraid that nothing will be happy in this game...


There are three good endings, three neutral endings, and four bad endings in the game :) But yes, the content of this game is a lot more angsty than some of our others, so please only buy if you're ready for that along the way!

I don't mind the drama inside. Actually, I like it when you can cry over the characters (somehow you can love them more). I just think they deserve a happy ending and if this game has it, I'll definitely add it to my library. Ps. Thank you for your answer 🥰

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Does anyone have any BL manga, manhwa, manhua, etc or visual novels or books similar to Dreambound to recommend? I love the concept behind the story and want to read or play more things like it.


The artist of this game has a comic named Night Fragments.


I have officially added to my To Read list. Thank you a thousand times over!


yay! happy to help ^^


The artist for the opening cinematic has a visual novel called MAMIYA - A Shared Illusion of the World's End!

I actually gave this a shot recently but sadly could not get into it for the life of me. It definitely looks intriguing though.


Lemures Blue's 2AM and Triopticon?

I will definitely be giving Lemures Blue's 2AM a try but sadly Triopticon isn't what I'm looking for.


Hello. Is there a recommended order to play?

Steam is saying this now has a planned release on 30 April 2024.  I'll replay the demo to get it back in my head again.  I'm looking forward to the full results.

Oh good to know. I've been meaning to play this demo but couldn't find anything about the possible release.

Did stream this Demo,  loved the premise. Truly cannot wait for the full release to be able to discover how the story unfolds!

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This isn't a horror game? Also, does this have a release date?


No, it's not horror. It is a romantic mystery with a solemn feeling, though! It is releasing in April 2024 :)


We need an exact release date! XD I can't wait until I can play the entire game.


damn this game is good i cant wait for the full game......but will payment be required or will it be free play :)


it's commercial game :)

Is this inspired by the comic Night Fragments? 


No, but the artist Sinran who does Night Fragments is also the artist on Dreambound!


Will the full game be free or is payment required?

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omg Ivan..... so damn dreamy and the two toned eyes i can deal with it being a bl but damn he is fine! When does the full game come out? im gonna try the demo for now


It's planned right now for April 2024! Thank you <3

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I need this game, definitely. Please, take my money! XDD
In fact, I love the BSO too. Would you consider selling the BSO too? OAO <3

Anyone know the song name that plays at the start when Noah is painting?


A False Start by Luno?


That's right, Luno was kind enough to let us use his music in game!


thanks ^^


This game is very beautiful in both art and language. I have not been so invested in a game in so long, and this is right up my alley! Mystery, escape room, bl, art, sadness, comedy >w< 

It was interesting in the escape room how to get more story, you take your time and click everything with the objects you find, in that way not all the information was fed to us and could be missed. luckily there are so many saves (which I love, I save sooo much). One thing I was the game had was the ability to punch people because oh boy I have a few people in mind, one especially, I would love to sucker punch into space :-) 

I'm really happy it reached the goal on kickstarter so this game can really come to life!!

I love the art and am excited for the game, BUT
as a person who is terrible at both puzzles and math I am stuck in the first escape room with the darn box, looking at hints and thinking "how am I supposed to make it work?!" /cry

You can download the walkthrough right here on itch!! :D 

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Loved so much about this, especially the story and artwork. One thing I did find trouble with was the escape room, since I felt it took too much time and the beginning of it just felt like you had to click random stuff to continue. It also wasn’t clear whether you had done something correct, but again it could’ve have been the point.

Beside that, I did love the demo and I’m excited to see what happened between them all. Also I already love August and Noah’s interactions, which is just setting myself up for pain considering the opening scene.


By any chance will there be a nsfw content in this game in the future?

We'll have to see what the stretch goals for our Kickstarter are! 11 days left to unlock and reach them ;)

Gorgeous artwork! I wish the demo had a little more Ivan but I'm looking forward to the full game!

Im absolutely in love with this game already but not only is the music beautiful but the artwork as well. and the storyline just kept me wanting to know more and I reached the end wanting to know what happened next. Keep up the awesome work 

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Is the music on bandcamp/spotify?

edit: nvm i found it

 luno ->

zakhar valaha ->

kai engels ->

i can't find the rest 

Awesome demo. I'm already pretty invested in some of these characters and want to see more. The escape room gameplay is an interesting addition, and while I doubted my brain there for a second, solving the puzzles felt rewarding in the end. Don't even feel the need to talk about the art and music. Looking forward to the full game!

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This is another one of your GORGEOUS projects! Im absolutely in love with your games. This one in particular reminds me of, may i say, classics such as DMMD, it legit looks like a project of some rich company of hundreds of workers! the work you do is astonoshing!
Will it be on Steam? What about amazing music, will there be an opportunity to buy songs, maybe as DLC?


Personally scared to continue playing where I left off because if I do  I'm going to reach the end of the demo. Who would want this masterpiece to end?!?! (Sorry if the comment is so long, it's my first time playing such an incredible demo I can't help but fangirl over it)

It's so freaking awesome, whenever I saw the cutscene of the black and white transition between the canvas room and the school, I  squealed in excitement at how high-quality it looked. I replayed that exact moment over and over just to look at another piece of it. 

While playing, I had to go do something, and when I came back I finally realized the lyrics and the emotional music that was playing. (I didn't hear it before because of how immersed I was in the dark story) This again shows how freaking awesome the game is!

Have I mentioned how manhwa and handsome looking the characters are? They're the right material to simp for, the music, the characters, art and much more contribute to how 11/10 this game is visually and story-lly.

I haven't finished playing but I can already tell this is going to be a banger of a game! 


Wow, thank you so much for your lovely words. I'm so happy that you're enjoying it so much!!


literally fell to my knees screaming when the demo ended ... i felt like i just watched a high quality BL show and then BOOM it all just got cut off... such an amazing storyline and INSANE art already!! love it so so so much

Thanks SO much for playing!!! So happy you enjoyed it too <3 keep an eye out for our Kickstarter this month!!


Just started to play the demo and already in love with the music


Absolutely love the art!

I’ll play the demo soon❤️


OmO, Absolutely wonderful art. Wahhh. I love it

Thank you!!!

yeeeaahhh I am excited to play this!!


I need this game yesterday. So beautiful and just...this is going to be my new obsession

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