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(2 edits)

My game glich out and i can't Play it more on dat 7 the chat don't work on the call and it a lot off glichs .... Is it my falt bc i put the DLC wrong or somting? Plis help...i Hawe the rar. That i put on the game folder and jast put IT....did i do somting wrong?

😭😭Plis help i wan't to Play it more .... I don't Hawe a stem and idk What is the problem...

You will need to give some more info for us to help. Did you reinstall the base game? It sounds like you put the DLC either in the wrong place or did not update your base game.

Ye i did not update but i but i ordy Fix it ty 🥲 i did not notist i nide to update

But ty for trying

im have a problem it keeps saying 

(Full traceback) and (The directory name is invalid) i don't know what to do

Hi in-game or do you mean while trying to download? I suggest a redownload on the web of both the base game and the DLC, and deleting any old files.

hes so cute

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i'm so poor rn... (Latinoamerica moment) but i'm so happy to see the dlc finished!!! your games are just a work of art! you deserve a nice rest after all that hard work!!

after finishing the dlc ( eleven stranger things meme ) papa me want more movie

i didn't have any problems reinstalling the base game, but when i try to download BTB i'm getting an error message: "An error occurred during installation. No manager for installer" i figure this could very well just be a problem with itch or my computer, but since i'm only getting the error on THIS download, i wanted to check if you guys knew anything about it?


i coerced my fiance into tech support XD if anyone else encounters this problem, run the download through your browser instead of the itch app :)


love it sooooo freaking much!!!! 

BLOOOOOM (ᵕᴗ ᵕ⁎)

Best believe I'm purchasing this on steam right now.

it was amazing!  got ending 8 and 9. not sure how to get others

there's a community guide on steam on hox to get the ending, go on the game then scroll

how did you get the 9, i tried but got the 6

the only difference i can think of, is who topped. when it was the mc, we stayed on earth and I got 8, when it was babygirl, we stayed in hell and I got ending 9


The NSFW scenes are optional and make no difference to which ending you get, just to note!

there goes my theory :P  but thank you for the correction TaaHS

i just downloaded it omg so happy, hope i can manage to do the file thing and make it all work

How!? It works but it error out.... Did i got a Broken DLC!?

The way I actually stayed up all night and never once felt tired like usual, love the game sm!! xx

Ending 7... currently sobbing. i thought this would be a good ending. MYSTICMESSENGR PTSD IS ATTACKING Me TOO.


Im so glad I backed this on kickstarter I am loving it already!!! Totally cant wait to play more and hella hoping I don’t get a bad ending as my first ending!

Will this DLC be on sale during the steam winter sale?


No, it is too close to release, it cannot go on sale for the Winter Sale!

Got it! Thank you, love your work :D

He is so sweet! I can't!!!!

how to update the game files by redownloading the base game, do i have to uninstall the base game, redownload it after i purchase the dlc ?

Yes just uninstall all old A Date with Death files and redownload.

I dont quite understand how to extract the zip file. Anyone know how to?


How do you add the patch if you bought the game on steam?


yeah i've bought the game on steam as well, i hope i don't have to buy it on here as well

The exact same way you add it to an version, so please follow the install instructions.


the dlc is on steam too, i suggest just getting it from there

anyone knoswhat the upside down scene of grim with ropes , him in a bathtubes with roses, and another shot in water are, havent found those scenes yet or how to get them


They are Patreon NSFW illustrations, they're only previews in game for the gallery.

ok thanks

Im not sure what to do because on day 8 when im trying to open my laptop and i click on the chatroom, when it asks to proceed it wont allow me to click on the 'yes' button, it only allows the 'no' this apart of the game etc. i have to do something first? or is this a bug for me? thanks.

It sounds like you have outdated files. Please try redownloading everything (base game, any dlcs you have, any patches you have) and restarting from the start.

It worked, thank you! :)


Gosh the DLC is so good!!! I still need to unlock the new endings, but I love the ending I got!!!


Okay... so hear me out...

5012 has some... main LI energy... for a not-yet-created-MC in a not-yet-created-game...


Right?! I was thinking the same thing!

(1 edit) (+2)

"I...I had what you'd call...a colleague. He was a fine Reaper, but he committed a taboo; he fell in love with a mortal...a human. I...I terminated him and erased his Lover's memories.

Is this karma? Just as I destroyed his mortal love, another will take my place and destroy mine."
>"Hehehe, I'm actually that mortal lol. ■□□■□■■, how does it feel? To fall in love, to break your sacred rules, to resign to a unattainable 'fate'.

May we never met again...Say hi to Casper for me, 5012." 

>*Stab him*

>Hug him silently


Ending 7: The Cycle of Death

I always get the good endings so… I was just hoping for more happiness 😬


i'l definitely get this when i get money


is it buyable in cad/canada? its not letting me purchase



I love the game so so much,and purchased this ahead of time. The only issue im running into now is that I get sent back to the main start screen after the first NSFW Scene. Someone let me know if Im being stupid and this is normal or no.I redownloaded and added all the right files. Help me lol 

This would likely only happen with out of date files. Make sure you delete everything and redownload from scratch, including the base game, beyond the bet and the nsfw patch.

(1 edit)

I've done that twice now (my poor laptop) and both times i go to my saved file after the NSFW scene, played through diolague, and it still kicks me back to the start screen. Theres also a glitch file that keeps adding itself back into the game folder, even after i delete it. Is it the old dlc? Ive checked lord knows how many times to make sure things were in the right folders and I had the right files. (sobbing rn) While if i click on the Sleep for the Night option instad of the NSFW scene, it works??? Maybe im stupid 

probably bugs bc it just came out lol

Hey I'm not sure if I missed something but I can't get the voice over to work? Maybe I misunderstood but I thought there would be voice acting in addition to the DLC, but when I run it nothing it added.


the voice acting is coming next year i think



thank you! this looks great. will the adult patch be included in steam release?

(1 edit) (+1) This should be a link to the adult patch on steam.

If not, just check the community tab on ADWD it should be on there as well.


Thank you!

Deleted 83 days ago
Deleted 80 days ago

Debo resistir, no debo gastar dinero, todo por mi tableta gráfica ahhhh


hello, I have a question about the adult patch. 


I play as female (body type 1, she/her pronouns etc) but towards the end we have an optional NSFW scene in Grim's room and apparently the game treats me like a male? I don't know how to change it or why is the option showing if there isn't a female option for this particular moment. Dunno if it's a bug.

It sounds like you picked the wrong options in the first NSFW scene where you select what parts your character has. Please go back to that choice when you get the chance and double check.

Im having this issue too on steam, the first NSFW scene is when your first at his apartment right? If not please let me know!! I tried picking both options there and it still treats me as a male.. I even double checked to make sure everything was good on my profile. Help please!!

No, the first is at your own apartment, and it will give you options to choose what happens in the second one.

A reply to both of these - this would only happen if you skipped the first scene or didn't select the correct options in the first scene. I'll be putting out an update for both Beyond the Bet and the NSFW patch shortly so you cannot get the second scene without doing the first one, so please download it when it's available.

Ah okay! Thank you so much :D (Loving the game btw I really appreciate the work put into it!)

(1 edit)

Oh. I didn't play through the first scene at all. That's why! Thank you. The game is absolutely amazing btw <3

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i vowed to not spend anymore money but i cant NOT buy this </3


im actually so sad rn i got the bad ending I ACTUALLY CANNOT.



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