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(4 edits)

i usually never write on these things but can someone pleaaasssee tell me how to top casper so i can complete the photobook. after getting the second nsfw cg, i went back to my anatomy save and chose the strap on option (female anatomy), but no matter what i do and how much i go back to the anatomy save, i can't get the nsfw scene. the dialogue doesnt change when i get to his house. i just wanna top him 😭😭 

Did you play through the first NSFW scene first? You need to pick the correct option, play through the first nsfw scene, then you will get an option for the second later on.

(2 edits)

i got the first (assuming its the festival one) nsfw scene and saved it to when the genital options show up. i fully played through that and second scene at his house and finished the game. then i went back to that save to choose the strap on and i would replay the festival nsfw scene, but whenever i get to his house i dont get the nsfw dialogue no matter what i do or click on. its embarrassing but ive been trying for almost an hour, its really frustrating 😭

When did you download both the NSFW patch/beyond the bet and the base game? I suggest deleting what you have and reinstalling everything in case you have some mismatch of versions somehow, then starting a new save from the beginning of Beyond the Bet, playing through the first NSFW scene, and then seeing if the second comes up. I've double checked just now in a new run, and I can see that the scene you're after is reachable, so I'm guessing it's an issue with the files. 

Hi! I know this question might have been asked over and over again,but I unable to add the NSFW patch to the DLC. From my understanding,I was supposed to add it to the base game(which is just the free version if I'm not wrong),yet it doesn't change anything because the DLC is implemented into the base game(I've downloaded the DLC first therefore steam doesn't require for me to download the base game). Is it even worth trying to download the free version elsewhere?

It only works if you own Beyond the Bet, not just the base game, but it needs to be added to the base game, yes.

(3 edits)

Hi there! I just downloaded the dlc and the adult content but as I saw these two are not in the same file(or does the arrangement doesn't matter as long as it's under the game folder?). I tried to drag but it will not work and I haven't play the game to see if it will work. Is that a problem? I have tried drag and drop and copy and paste but they just don't want to be together :') Please let me know if that's a problem or if I would be able to solve it! Thanks a lot! <3

P.S.Also for the dlc expansion, does it come along with "beyond the bet"dlc or do I need another 5$ to get it? Thanks for seeing this!

Also when I opened the game with the two files in it, it showed me the page saying thank you for getting the dlc but there was an error and the game lagged out, but when I opened it again the page is gone, can I still access the dlc with that?

It only needs to be in the same folder as BeyondtheBet.rpa etc., the order in a folder does not matter. Yes, you can access the DLC even without seeing that screen, please read the page here on how to access it.

I was wondering if the location of the adult patch has to be next to beyond the bet?? It's now separated from beyond the bet and archive by two files and I don't know how to move it (>人<;)Is it possible to run the adult patch when it is in this location? I'd also like to know if there will be a hint within the game if it's adult patch content? Like there will be a sign next to the DLC options.


I use Mac. I have purchased all the content on steam but my region doesn't support the adult patch and I can only download it on itcho. But when copied to the folder Games it doesn't go next to Beyond the bet but a couple files apart. Picture on top of the top sorted by category as it is.(´;ω;`)


What you're showing in the picture is correct, it is in the same folder as BeyondtheBet.rpa. It does not matter the order of files in a folder :)

Thanks for the answer!( ^ω^ )

I'm soo sad because for some reason none of the pay for games on will accept my card and i was really hoping that I could pay this but i cant. T~T 

Uh my dlc isn't working??? Like it just skips to when casper comes to your window instead of doing the actual dlc?? Can anyone explain this... I just wanna know what I have to do to ACTUALLY activate the dlc cause it really isnt working. Pls help Idk what to do T^TTTT

Wait do I have to replay EVERYTHING after day 5????? Please tell me I dont ;-;;;;;

There's a lot of details about how the DLC works both on the page and in game. The DLC starts from a new days 6 aka it jumps to the end of day 5. Yes you have you play everything after day 5 because that is the DLC.

Wait so is it automatic?? cause I played past chapter 5 without the dlc I think so idk if I played the dlc without knowing or smth


I'm about to commit some kind of crime-


(1 edit)

HI can someone help I am super frustrated as I just PAYED and downloaded the game but its not opening.. I cant play the game I payed for... I am on a mac and everytime I install on here it says its not working and on the site its in my files but it needs an application but there is none and nothing I download will work and I am so angry. *edit* On here when it has trouble downloading it says no manager for installer unknown.. what does that mean?? what am I supposed to do :( ima go cry now..

Download it from the site, not the app, and make sure you have updated (completely redownloaded) the base game.

Hi so I did this but it's still not working can I just get a refund because I'm tired.

You will have to contact support for a refund

(1 edit) (+1)

Bought the DLC yesterday and played through it... Bro I am SO GAY for casper like no joke. 

This game is sooo good I swear.

OMLLLLL, I'm in love with this game...I regret finishing it so soon as well. So far I got ending 6 n I hope to see more DLCs in the future..even if it means getting my credit card ready idc



I want this game so bad cuz I played the free base before and WOW!! But just then I realized I don't have money...

I loved it, Casper is so sweet!! The spiciest scenes were so OMGGGG I LOVED IT absolutely my best self-gift for Christmas ever

hi i want to know if there is a way to pay with cash app?

I love this game. I also dowloanded the Beyond the Bet, but somehow its not working. Could somebody pls tell me how do i start it? I moved it to the file too :(

If it's in the correct folder AND you've redownloaded the base game, it will work. If you haven't redownloaded the base game then it will not.

Thank you for replying! It works now, so I´m verry happy!


same </3 I wish someone posted a tut or something

Okkii!! so i finally figured out how to download it, use the steam key and download it off steam it will automatically let you play without the rpa file shinanigans !! <3

I waited MONTHS FOR THIS (bought the sleepy time Casper plush too:-)) AND IT DIDN'T DISAPPOINT!!

hii! if i buy the dlc on steam and download the adult patch on here would it work? cus i got it on steam :3


sorry if this sounds stupidly dumb but what do i do after downloading the nsfw patch through like do i have to do something with the file itself to get it to work on the steam dlc or..?

You just need to follow the install instructions and place it in the correct folder.

(1 edit)

Hi! I am trying to download Beyond the Bet and the NSFW patch (on Mac) but keeps saying "An error occurred during installation. No manager for installer unknown." For both downloads. I do have the base game downloaded as well so I am unsure if I am doing something wrong? Thank you in advance!

Please download the DLCs from the webpage, not the itch app, and you'll have no problems :)


Got it! Thank you so much :)

I bought on Steam beyond the bet and i don't have the nsfw option , do i have to buy it ?

You need to install the free NSFW patch on Steam (or here from itchio if its blocked in your country on Steam)

Anyone having (or had) issues with downloading beyond the bet for their MAC? It keeps downloading as an rpa file and I follow the instructions, but still can't access the game at all. I finished the game and wanted to play the extra days with the DLC but it won't play. Any solutions? :(

The download is supposed to be a rpa file. Please put it alongside your update base game files as per the instructions and you'll be good to go!

I tried that as well and it would not work but no worries, I just moved everything to steam and was able to play it smoothly there. Thank you for replying so quickly, and trying to help!

uh yeah so i had this issue too and what fixed it for me was that i had the package contents of a date with death in one finder window (newly downloaded, havent opened the game) and my downloads page in another and i just forcibly dragged and dropped it into the file where the archive file was and the dlc showed up in my game afterwards so mayb u cld try that?


Ouuu, I wish I had seen this before buying/moving it all to steam because I got sooo frustrated, I just played it through steam so that everything could update to the game without having to manually move files ughhh but for future reference, thank you for this !!


How do I get the nsfw scene after the festival? I had played it 2nd and didn't see the choice to choose for nsfw.

oh umm you need to download it !

it's free too (>-<)/ !!~


Why is he so perfect oh god

This was better than anything I had expected! (I knew there would be nsfw text but I didn't know there would be nsfw CG's, so that was a very pleasant surprise)

Best investment of the year. ( ≖‿ ≖ )

I'm just waiting for my paycheck at the end of the month to buy this lmao

hey!! so far im loving the DLC but im experiencing some issues. In the first call, it kept giving me an error that a variable was undefined, and the little texts on the right side of the screen weren't appearing. After the call, when I tried to edit my appearance, it wouldn't let me click out of the customization menu, so I had to load in my previous save. And when I tried to go on to day 8 and click "yes" to start the chatroom, it wasn't doing anything. Please help, thank you so much. 

It sounds like you may have mixed versions of the game and you have not updated the base game? Delete all old files and completely reinstall the game (including the base game). I also suggest not using any old save files.

I completely reinstalled the base game, DLC, and additional files, and it worked! thank you :) 

BEYOND THE BET IS FREAKING AMAZING!! THANK YOU FOR ADDING SKIN TONES IN THE GAME. I was so happy to see my african skin portrayed in the game. It was awesome!! Grim is such a cutie!! A DATE WITH DEATH 10/10!!


hello where can i download the adult patch on itchi? or is it already imbedded in the dlc? i bought the dlc only but cant find the link to download the adult patch ;(( THANKK U SM



Pls help, Why I don't see the second option here? The ' I was starving before I met you.' Is my file goes wrong? I really wanna see nsfw :((

im not tooootally sure, but i think you have to have the adult content patch in order to get that dialogue option :p

you'll have to download the NSFW patch as well, it's freeee !! (>-<)/

theres a date with death webtoon?!, what is the name where to read?

how many chapters is the webtoon set to have, since it's dropping only 1 chapter a month ?

this game made me cry

It is so funny to play this on your birthday, WHEN IS ALSO GRIM'S BIRTHDAY

i keep getting the bad ending :( i am losing my mind. I updated the game and followed all the guides. Can someone help me ;;

(1 edit)

like I don't know what I am doing wrong? Is there something I am supposed to choose before day 9? I am losing my mind lol I am wondering if it is because I updated my base game, but choose the same save? would that affect it? sorry for all the questions, and thank you for this great game.


always make choice that count you and casper as a team, don't say leave casper alone, or choose that you're scared of losing someone, avoid doing choices to only have casper safe, instead choose some to keep you both safe, i did this, maybe you also need to take care of your plant and pet but i'm not sure about that for the dlc

I did those but it didn't work. It's okay though, thanks for your help regardless :)



when you got too attached to the character and you miss them so you replay the game over and over again, also it's the same plot , just to spend some time with them, i do avoid the bad endings tho. became a comfort character

Hi! When I try to open the game it says that there was an uncaught exception occured and that it could not load from archive NSFW Patch/nsfwpatch.rpyc. I don't think that I did anything wrong, I put both the dlc and the adult patch in the games folder.


It says the same thing for the beyond the bet dlc, I'm so confused :(


the nsfw patch has to be added to the base game, using steam is best for that since it does it for you. It may be the same for the DLC

You mean the original game right? That's what I did but oh well

Nevermind I figured it out, thank you for giving me advice though :)

your welcome!

wait what'd you do? I think im having the same issue </3

Quick question! is the adult patch also on steam? or only on here?

(1 edit)

On steam yes .... BUt is rilly jast waring


Mind helping me find it? idk where it is...

(1 edit) (-6)

Don't mide go to the date with death go down to see the DLC you can buy or danlowd....i'm 16 and .... I ordy regret having IT bc off my parents 💀🤦


Please don't download the adult content if you are underage.


Yes ik.... But i don't mide i love to tramtizd myself jk!

Are you sure you're 16? A 16 year old would ATLEAST know how to spell 'really'

Hi, I love the game! However, I purchased both DLCs and downloaded the adult patch, and when I get to the NSFW scenes, my player appears with male anatomy despite me selecting all of the feminine options in the character customization. Is there something I am missing? Or are the scenes only available with male anatomy?

No, there should be an option in your first nsfw scene to pick female anatomy.

Ah, I see. I installed it mid-playthrough because I forgot to move it into the game folder, haha. I probably missed the first scene then. Thank you!

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