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This is the very first review I've ever written on this website. In fact, I only signed up to tell everyone how GOOD this otome game/chatsim is! I'm quite picky, and most of the time, indie games are either a bit meh when it comes to storytelling, interface, or the illustrations look kinda bad. But this one is just amazing. Our little Grim Reaper looks SO GOOD. I love his smirk. The calls (am I the only one who tried to end the call every single time?) are fun, and I love seeing him talk to himself or learn how to chat more naturally. The story is just amazing, and my favorite is still ending 2 (yes, the bad one). It was just so, so, so good. Really, I can't wait to buy the DLC in December, and I'll keep an eye on this studio, hoping there will be more otome games from them in the future. Their quality is so good. 100% recommendation!

I can't download but he looks kinda cute tbh LMFAO

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I love this so much I was giggling and blushing the whole time, I really need more games like this.


I really wish for an android port


I loved it! the art is good, and even though I don't like the whole hate to love thing, it was pretty good, I got a good ending, and honestly kinda sweet from the title, I also usually don't like customizations, but since the art is good, I was able to like it this time. Solid 9, I'd say, I'd so recommend it :))

What's the length / average session of the game?


This game is amazing. The humor and the romance mwah!

got me addicted.obssesed.amazing.would definitely recommend.

(1 edit)

I downloaded the dlc but it's not working please tell me what should i do where should i locate the file? Please help :(


Please follow the instructions given when downloading the file - just drop the DLC file into the game folder and it will work. If you are struggling with it, you can redeem a Steam key through your purchase and Steam installs it for you.

Deleted 86 days ago

it worked thanks for the help!!


so the expansion will only be on the paid DLC?? :( man I am broke but I loved this game ToT. This whole time I thought the expansion will be on both like, free ver will get 5 extra days and expansion will get least that was what I thought it will be...


I Actually LOVED this!! Sad it’s over.. 😞 I need recommendations like this game. Can anyone give me some? 


Have you played any games from GBPATCH? Their visual novels are really good!


THE DIALOGUE IS SO FUNNY HELP also grim reaper got me blushing, giggling, kicking my feet fr


I cried, laughed, blushed, it was SIMPLY PERFECT.
The scenery and all the little things that makes you feel immerse on the story were awesome, i loved hearing the neighbors story every single day, discovering the pets backstory, reading the books(i actually cried with the raven and the koi), it was so bittersweet. I am in love with this game and i am looking forward to play more games from this studio!!


This was so good!!! This is just what I want to be able to make some day. Great job, and can't wait for the new DLC! <3




got me blushing and giggling, so perfect!!!!


Giggling and kicking my fuckin feet <3


Amazing dialogue, 10/10.


This game has truly bewitched me bc I just finished one of the endings around 3AM and now all I can think about is how I can complete the other endings ASAP w/o losing anymore sleep lmao. Fr tho great job and had a fun time!


Got ending 3 in first play~ 💕


me too:3

Which ending was that?

Ending 3 : mine 

Mc won the bet, and Death (aka Casper) will hide with us (and run away if necessary). Basically, we're together with him.

I more prefer this than marriage end tho..

oh yea, thx for the reminder, yea I also got that first playthrough


Thank you for a very interesting game! I played through it on my channel with a great pleasure. During walkthrough, I translated it into my native language so that my viewers could understand everything. I hope you don't mind! I wish you luck and inspiration for creating new games!


I really ought to have started a notes document to keep track of all my thoughts throughout, but alas I will have to try my best to recollect my praises

From the very begging, I was plesantly very suprised to see such a stylistically majestic opening animation. It is not only great in quality but sets the tone of the story in a way I cant like, put into words? It just conveys the inner workings of the character

The premise, though not all that innovative, was utilised so well in terms of genuine characterisation of both MC and Grim. The characters were not shallow at all and genuienly felt like people, with their own complex emotions and character arcs; glad this did not meet my awful expectations of the MC not being allowed to be atleast a little cautious in a situation in which they really should have been. Loved how you could remain sceptical up until the very moment of actual proof, adds realism.  I particularly appreciated the dialogue options for MC, they felt, most of the time, very genuine and there was, quite often, options which said exactly what I had wanted to convey, in a tone matching mine.

Speaking of, the comedy was ELITE. I cannot tell you how many screenshots I've taken of silly dialogue bits. Nailed the art of taking a mythical being and putting them in a modern-day setting. 

Of course, many screenshots were also taken for masterfully crafted lines in terms of emotion, and, more importantly the romance aspect. I have to say that this game succeeded in getting me kicking my legs and taking my heart for a ride. Seriously, though, experessions of emotion are so endearing and realistic and charming and I'm running out of adjectives. Just magical, really. 

Going back to the narrative, I cannot praise it's creativity as it doesnt feel all that ground-breaking, but the magic comes in how it's executed, as I already mentioned. It just feels very real and impactful and like we truly go on a journey with the characters. The twist of MC being life is quite predictable, but the idea is utilised very well inside the narrative to explore world-building and push story progression(giving proof to MC in the case the player chose to be more skeptical). 

I have a few comments on the functions of the game. Firstly, the character customisation is perfectly interactive and makes the game more immersive, especially considering the fact that you get to see your character throughout(unlike some games where you make a customised character only to never see them again -_-). The only thing I could suggest, as a genderfluid individual who is currently under an enby identity, is that there would be a body option that is neither expressantly male nor female; the female gets close enough, but only a few of the outfits dont display, well, the feminine feature. I have, however, perhaps unfounded critique for the meaningfulness of the choices. I say unfounded, for I felt no obligation to re-try for different endings(this is not a fault for lack of replayability, I simply like to keep to one ending with longer games). But having gone back to saves during some of the prior choices just out of curiosity, I found the choices had little impact. With the more risky choices, such as offering to give up your soul prematurely, the character doesnt actually commit to these actions; perhaps for narrative purposes I can't be sure. 

One final small critique I have is I'd say it would be worth putting in just a little bit of extra effort to have an option for some people to be able to manually toggle the more, forward, romantic options on or off. I have managed fine with just a little bit of discomfort, but I'm aware some others may find certain moments more uncomfortable than me. Then again, you kinda know what you're getting into, so I guess it's not that relevant. Just food for thought. 

All in all, though, definitely a game I will hold in my heart for a long while yet. This is some professional level type of visual novel, and I'm quite suprised it is out there for free. 5/5

just some of my favourite moments(I dont want to spam with screenshots)


What are the best? wedding or boyfriend(? final? I think both mixed. He's too cuteee




You can tease me anytime you want wink wink


Ew, what the fuck?


i hope you meant that as a joke dude 💀

no joke completely serious




casper the real bbg!111!!!11!11!!!!


I don't know who you are BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW EXACTLY HOW I TALK?? (I will not elaborate)


no be so for real the MC dialogue was scarily predictable for me(in a good way)




yess, i would thik about a response ad it would appear, best interactive game dialogue EVER


grim is babygirl and i would die for him (pun intended)

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casper is so bbg 🥺 honestly i was having some mixed feelings because he acts like my ex but ermmm yeah it was cute

edit: forgot to mention, but i had so much fun with the character customization, the art is awesome! (please don't just plop the hamster on the bed though 😭)



Pleaseeeee add Android I really want to play itt

my inner simp is barking for this man even though i can’t even get the game on iOS 


Who can tell me how to get NSFW CG? It's really necessary!



finished the game(not the dlc, really wishing I could get it but don't have the personal funds currently ;*;), first ending I got was the good ending so I went back to get the other endings, proceeded to genuinely cry, and then had to go back and do the good ending again so I didn't continue crying. Anyhow, good times, good times-

also, grimmy just being a blushing mess at the end of the good ending is adorable :D

Deleted 109 days ago

ww 我真的很喜欢小死神啊啊啊啊啊!!!啊我几乎找不到像我一样喜欢他的人,所以我只能自己为他画画。对不起,我说话的时候可能有点迷茫,我真的很喜欢他,为什么中国不能买周边产品,,哭了......╥﹏╥...










Hi, can you please make a video on how to download the game on iPad? Im not very good with things like this, I'm a bit slow and found the unstructions kinda hard to follow😔

Unfortunately, it's only avaliable on Mac and Windows

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