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Will there ever be an android port of the game?


How do I get the DLC items in the character customization part? Do I need to buy them?

This was sooooo cute! Love my little grim <3

Question,, idk if I'm hoping too much BUT I had to ask ;-; is there going to be a sequel someday?

Decided to start a run myself. I'll be finishing up the rest as soon as I can :)

gonna start rn!!! im so excited :

My favourite game so far :p

I imagined our dog and dead plant in his room in the bad full ending. 🥲

please make android...


I played the demo before and loved it, but couldn't find the time to play the full game. Well...I did it. And I LOVE it! This game was amazing, with funny dialogue, so many customization options, and extra things to do like paint, change your laptop wallpaper, and play with your pet! This is my exact type of game! Fun, zen, comforting, and an all-around chill time! thanks a lot for making this game free so peasants like me could play it lol but honestly? This game should be paid for since you put so much effort and love into it! I'll be sure to buy the DLCs once I get my paycheck! Thanks a lot for such a great experience!

muthis aga


I literally love everything abt this game omg!!! It was so fun and the art was amazing and the storyline plus little Grim's edginess. The little details put into the story as so amazing too like the storyline with the neighbors, literally this game is like 100/10 <333

I've been excited to play this game since the beginning of the teasers and when they released the artwork on Twitter, but I would like to know if you guys plan to release a version for Android as well? it will definitely make it more accessible for everyone, and that would be great.

this game is amazing!! 100% on of my favourite games, I've been so excited to play it since I saw videos by the creator on tiktok. the AMOUNT of customisable features is so nice :D

this game is the best game i ever play in my life but the game keep glitching on me wish is making hard to enjoy to the max but it the best i really like it

the game keeps glitching every time I try to start the chatroom

Just got done crying at ending 2, I have one more ending left! <3


This made me cheer up a bit though :')


What ending is that?:)

 I haven't completed the dlc ending :>


Im crying I got ending 2 This is so beautiful...

100/10 most bullyable grim reaper I ever kissed

10/10 MC is a chaotic gremlin and I love bullying grim


first ever playthrough, got the "rings" ending and it made me cry my eyes out. wow. it was a wonderful experience. thank you. btw...soul babies!!

the game is amazing, i loved the art, the story and grim’s edgy ass so much!! 10/10

How do you get the dlc files? Did not see them in folders

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Is there a way to fix glitching during the customization screen? When I played the beta, glitching didn't happen. I tried playing the completed version here and in steam, but none of it seems to work well.😩😩😩

¡El juego es genial!, me gustaría que esté en español también 



Android version when😭


if you guys get a voice in this game somehow.. its over!!!

will this game be for pc also? as in chrome or anything else

The game keeps crashing during the customizing our character screen. I'm not sure what i can do to continue :( can anyone help?

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you can get it on steam for free, I haven't tried yet but another game I played that didn't work from it worked on Steam. Hope this helps!!<33

I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE THIS GAME OMGGG 💖💖💖 passei a noite e madrugada jogando e amei cada segundo 🥺


very very like it!!!by the way,did you plan make new dlc about soulbaby and NSFW?can i buy it in 2024?



Eu necessito desse jogo em português (brasil) 😭😭😭


I don't know if anything can be done but my playthrough still got a copyright thing even though I had the setting for copyright music turned off , it's not a huge deal, just so it doesn't happen to anyone else

Feel free to send an email to support(at)twoandahalfstudios(dot)com with the details of the claim and we can look into it later!

I will, THANK YOU♫

I got this game and right after I got two endings, the next day, I bought the DLC, this is insane, I love little Grim so much, your work is amazing 😭😭

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🥲 My first ending was the 2nd one and now i'm b.a.w.l.i.n.g. oh that was absolutely heartbreaking. this is the kind of game i made my account for—thumbs up!!!!


Hello! This game is amazing.. i heard many people play it, and i want to tell why is sometimes a bug like white screen after the intro, idk if this a bug or just my potato laptop thank you! Love and kisses!

im literally obsessed with this game i love it so much 😭

im definetly going to buy the dlc at some point 

also grimmy is SO ADORBALEEEEE AAAHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💖

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